Five Steps for Automating Your Workflows – Part II

Have you read Part I of ‘Five Steps for Automating Your Workflows?’ If not, we recommend reading that blog post first and then returning to learn about our final recommended step in the workflow automation process! Part 1 walks through the common issues seen in the credentialing process, and the questions to ask yourself to determine areas that could be more efficient with automation.

Now, we’ll finish this series with the final step, drilling into the detail of your workflows.

Step 5: Drill Down into Detail

After laying out the essential elements, you will want to go back and revisit each part of your process and start to add the details for each critical step for automating workflows.

This is when we really start to think about how this translates into configuration and process automation within your Association Anywhere AMS or Certelligence credentialing management software.

You will notice that this is the first time we have even mentioned how this will be done within the system. The configuration isn’t the hard part; understanding and documenting the business process is what takes time and thought.

Let’s take a look at how some of the details would look for just two of our steps from our Happy Path.

What to Consider When a Customer Fills Out a Credentialing Application:

  • What data are you collecting from the customer?
    • Demographic info (customer profile)
    • Educational Information or work experience (customer activity)
      • Transcript (attributes)
      • Hours worked (customer activity)
    • Other information (attributes)
      • How did you hear about us?
      • Marketing interests
  • What data will we already have on file
    • Address
    • Email
    • Cyber

Documentation Tools for Accreditation

There are many tools available to help you document. Sometimes it’s easiest to get started with simple pencil and paper, but a flow-charting tool can help visualize the process for the organization and give you a quick and easy way to make updates. A few tools to consider:

From the simplest one-page application to the most complicated accreditation workflow, when an organization follows the above steps in the process, we see a much higher buy-in from the staff in the origination and more successful implementations. Going through the process takes time and thought and can feel painful at times, but in the end, organizations are stronger for reviewing items to this level of detail.

For your reference, here is an infographic that details Steps 1-5 of the automation process. You can download it here. As for more information on our credentialing and association management software, head to our Product overview page!

Authored by:

Kacey Conn

Kacey Conn is a Senior Business Analyst at ACGI Software and has more than 15 years of experience working in the Credentialing and Association market. With her extensive background in associations, credentialing bodies, and membership, Kacey’s expertise and passion for business process improvements, designing workflows, and automation has helped more than twenty mid to large-scale organizations optimize their online credentialing, membership and application processes.